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Global top grossing movies 2020: China ruled the global box office in 2020 with The Eight Hundred the top grossing movie across the world

Global top grossing movies 2020:  China ruled the global box office in 2020 with The Eight Hundred the top grossing movie across the world

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World 2020
With the 2020 box office collapsing in March due to the global pandemic the Chinese market was the first an quickest to recover and it dominated the global scene over the whole year.

The top grossing movie of the year was The Eight Hundred wich was released in August and did big business in China.

The Eight Hundred

Chinese films accounted for 6 of the top 20 movies of the year and 7 of the movie were released in 2019 with a holdover in 2020.

Tenet which was the first big movie released during the pandemic made it into the top 5 movies of the year despite being considered a flop.

Many movies have had there releases moved to 2021 and cinemas did not have the massive tentpole pictures that would have pulled in over a Billion dollars in revenue, in fact its the first time in over a decade there has been no movie taking over $1 Billion.

Here are the top 5 movies by gross across the globe in 2020.

The Eight Hundred

A massive hit in China the action war epic is directed by Hu Guan and took $161 Million on its full opening weekend.

Over its full global release the movie took $441.8 Million making the top grossing global movie of the year.

Bad Boys For Life

Bad Boys For Life

After a lengthy gap Will Smith and Martin Lawrence re-teamed as the Miami cops and the movie was a global smash.

Released at the start of the year its release just missed the cinemas closures due to COVID-19 and took $418.2 Million.


Sam Mendes released his Oscar nominated was movie in America in late 2019 but got its global release in early 2020 and its the 3rd top movie of 2020 with $375.4 Million.

My People, My Homeland

Directed by 7 of Chinas top directors this anthology movie took $101 Million durings its Chinese opening.

Globally the movie is the 4th highest grossing of the year with $371.1 Million.



In America this movie was moved to an August release with studios hoping that cinemas would have re-opened after 4 months of closures, but the global pandemic had other ideas and although countries has started to re-opened cinemas had limited capacity.

The movie did relatively well in global cinemas but with mixed reviews it was not the film Warner Bros. had hoped, but a top five of the year is not bad with a gross of $362.6.

This weeks top 10 Global Box Office films

    See full chart
    Robert Hyde

    Robert has been a film buff since he first visited the old Palace Cinema in High Wycome when he was young.

    After working for Ritz Video Film Hire, later Blockbuster Express, it cemented his interest in film and gave him the drive to go to university with the intention of working in the industy.

    6 years of college/university studying film and Culture and he decided to take a different path, so he taught himself to develop websites.

    8 years at Amazon, 3 years at eBay, a year at PayPal and 6 years running his own digital marketing agency and here we are writing and developing

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