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Disney release a new trailer for the live action remake of Mulan

Disney release a new trailer for the live action remake of Mulan
Disney continue their run of live action remakes with the Mulan which gets a new trailer.

The live action remakes of classic Disney movies has been a big success for the studio and despite the quality being questionable at times many of the films have gone over the Billion mark at the global box office.

Next year Milan gets the treatment, which is an interesting move considering the more mature nature of the subject matter.

The story of a Chinese woman who takes her place in the male dominated army and becomes one of their greatest warriors is perhaps more relavant to day than when the animated movie came out in 1998.

The movie is released in the UK and America on 27th March 2020.

Robert Hyde

Robert has been a film buff since he first visited the old Palace Cinema in High Wycome when he was young.

After working for Ritz Video Film Hire, later Blockbuster Express, it cemented his interest in film and gave him the drive to go to university with the intention of working in the industy.

6 years of college/university studying film and Culture and he decided to take a different path, so he taught himself to develop websites.

8 years at Amazon, 3 years at eBay, a year at PayPal and 6 years running his own digital marketing agency and here we are writing and developing

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