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UK Box Office Weekend Report 25th - 27th September 2020: Tenet spends a 5th weekend at the top with no big new releases Schemers is the highest debut at 10

UK Box Office Weekend Report 25th - 27th September 2020:  Tenet spends a 5th weekend at the top with no big new releases Schemers is the highest debut at 10

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Tenet is still the top film of the week and seems to have kept After We Collided at number 2 for a third weekend while further down the chart Schemers from director Dave Mclean is the highest debut at number 10.

There were no big new releases this weekend and the box office reflects that with the top 5 almost remaining the same with Onward making a reappearance to replace the Andre Rieu concert from last weekend.


Here is a breakdown of this weeks box office.

  • Number 1 - Tenet
  • Highest debut - Schemers (@10)
  • Longest run - Onward
  • Highest total gross - Tenet (£14,995,041)

Here is our breakdown of the top 5 UK movies 25th - 27th September 2020.


With 5 weeks on the chart and 5 weeks at the top Christopher Nolans movie may not have saved cinema but with nothing in the way of bog new release due until No Time To Die on 12th November it could spend another 5 weeks at the top giving it 10 weeks in total, unless After We Collided as something gto say about that!

This weekend the movie took its lowest gross to date with £648.5K giving it a total of £15 Million and it jumps over Jumanji: The Next Level and is the 7th highest grossing of the year.

Amazingly despite the less than favourable reviews, and perhaps because of the limited capacity in movie theatres the film only drops 19% from last weekend.

Afte We Collided

A third weekend at number 2 for Roger Kumble's low budget sleeper hit with a weekend gross of £514K taking its total UK gross to £2.5 Million.

With good word of mouth and little in the way of big new films for a few weeks it would not be out of the question for the movie to take the number 1 spot in the coming weeks.

The movie took 14% less than last weekend gross.

Bill & Ted Face the Music

Hanging on at number 3 is part 3 of the Bill And Ted saga which takes £216.7K on its second weekend taking its total gross to £834.9K.

With good reviews and more cinemas opening up and slowly increasing capacity a long run on the box office and a gross over £1 Million is not out of the question.

Despite its position on the box office its down 53% from last weekend when it debuted.



It seems this Pixar/Disney movie just wont go away, it re-enters the box office this weekend with £126.3K taking its total to £7.3 Million after 16 weeks on the chart.

Amazingly the movie is up 33% from its gross last weekend.

The New Mutants

Other Disney property that has done far better than expected as their mutant movie takes £93.2K at number 5 with a total gross of £1.4 Million after 4 weeks of reelase.

The movie drops 12% from last weekend.

This weeks top 10 UK Box Office films

  1. Tenet - £648,517
  2. After We Collided - £514,020
  3. Bill & Ted Face the Music - £216,790
  4. Onward - £126,355
  5. The New Mutants - £93,253
  6. 100% Wolf - £89,633
  7. Unhinged - £60,113
  8. Rocks - £53,299
  9. Trolls World Tour - £36,825
  10. Schemers - £34,474
See full chart
Robert Hyde

Robert has been a film buff since he first visited the old Palace Cinema in High Wycome when he was young.

After working for Ritz Video Film Hire, later Blockbuster Express, it cemented his interest in film and gave him the drive to go to university with the intention of working in the industy.

6 years of college/university studying film and Culture and he decided to take a different path, so he taught himself to develop websites.

8 years at Amazon, 3 years at eBay, a year at PayPal and 6 years running his own digital marketing agency and here we are writing and developing

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