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UK cinema attendance dropped 75% to 44 million with a 81% drop in box office grosses in 2020

UK cinema attendance dropped 75% to 44 million with a 81% drop in box office grosses in 2020
Cinema Closed
Cinema attendance in the UK dropped by 75% to 44 million tickets sold in 2020 due to the pandemic closures and limited openings later in the year.

Things started off really well in the first 3 months of the year, with over 80% of the total happening between January and March.

The COVID-19 pandemic took hold in late March and as you expect things just collapsed after that with less than 10 Million tickets sold between March and December.


The industry suffered 3 closures during that time and unlike in countries like America there is no drive-in culture which in part has kept the industry ticking.

Just under £250 Million in tickets were sold in 2020, compared to £1.25 Billion in 2019 which amounted to 176 Million tickets.

The highest grossing movie of the year was the Sam Mandes directed 1917 which was released in January 2020 and took over £40 Million at the box office.

2021 has not got off to a good start and cinemas have been closed but with vaccines being administered fast and a drop in cases it is hoped UK cinemas will open soon and the country will slowly get back to normal.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

With no big releases due until at least the second quarter of the year UK cinema goers are in for a busy end of year with film like No Time To Die and Ghostbusters: Afterlife set to be big hits.

This weeks top 10 UK Box Office films

    See full chart
    Robert Hyde

    Robert has been a film buff since he first visited the old Palace Cinema in High Wycome when he was young.

    After working for Ritz Video Film Hire, later Blockbuster Express, it cemented his interest in film and gave him the drive to go to university with the intention of working in the industy.

    6 years of college/university studying film and Culture and he decided to take a different path, so he taught himself to develop websites.

    8 years at Amazon, 3 years at eBay, a year at PayPal and 6 years running his own digital marketing agency and here we are writing and developing

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