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YouTuber puts Tenet on 5 Game Boy Advance cartridges, just for fun, and its watchable!

YouTuber puts Tenet on 5 Game Boy Advance cartridges, just for fun, and its watchable!
Tenet Gba
File this under, because its Friday! A YouTuber called Wulff Den have put the Christopher Nolan movie onto 5 Game Boy Advanced cartridges, and made the movie vaguely watchable.

In the video the guy explains why he did it, and how he did it, and from the video you could probably do the same yourself, but would you want to?

Wulff Den explains that the reason he did it was on a whim and because when the movie came out in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, the director explained that the movie must be seen on the big screen, so he compressed the movie down to fit on a small screen, the GBA 5 inch screen!

As explained the reason why it has to be on 5 cartridges is because each can hold 30 minutes at watchable quality and the movie in almost exactly 2 hours and 30 minutes.

The video runs lower than the GBA resolution at 192 x 128 and it has 6 FPS (Frames Per Second), but its claimed that it is just about watchable!

GBA Tenet

This isn't for everyone and watching the video is probably enough, and besides you would have to flash your own roms, not hard but hard enough, we wont be seeing this on sale anytime soon but its an interesting side project for anyone with time on their hands!

Robert Hyde

Robert has been a film buff since he first visited the old Palace Cinema in High Wycome when he was young.

After working for Ritz Video Film Hire, later Blockbuster Express, it cemented his interest in film and gave him the drive to go to university with the intention of working in the industy.

6 years of college/university studying film and Culture and he decided to take a different path, so he taught himself to develop websites.

8 years at Amazon, 3 years at eBay, a year at PayPal and 6 years running his own digital marketing agency and here we are writing and developing

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